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Festival Info

What You Need to Know

What can't I bring into the festival?

• Weapons (knives,guns tazers,ect)• Fireworks or fire crackers• Aerosol Cans• Illegal drugs.• large poles â€¢ Animals (unless it's a registered service animal all waste must be picked up by owner) â€¢ Outside Food (Drinks will be provided inside the tent)

Lost And Found

Lost and found can be located In the artists tent. Please note Smackdown Music Festival is not responsible for any lost, damaged or stolen property.

Where can I stay during the festival?

We are currently looking into Camping spot availability and pricing and we will have tickets that accurately match thoes prices.

Will there be parking?

Yes we will have enough parking for all of you! 

If you still have questions, please get in touch.

Info: Information
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